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Release Notes 1.10.X

Release notes:


New feature:

Bug fixed:

  • Fixed issues with Sample Hierarchy creation/update in some edge cases.

  • Fixed an issue with the tooltip with additional information about selected Hierarchy on the “Manage Hierarchies“ page.

  • Fixed an error when creating a Hierarchy that has Node/Issue Links without comments, only happens when using Oracle database.


New features:

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue when trying to apply Hierarchy from Modal dialog.


  • Fixed an issue with Oracle Database which caused an error when trying to copy a Template with an empty Template Description

  • Fixed an issue with duplicating a Hierarchy


  • Fixed an issue with Postgres Database which caused an error on the “Manage Scopes” page



  • Fix count of creating an issue when applying Hierarchy with Set issues

  • Compatibility issues with The Scheduler plug-in

  • 'Select Template' dropdown not appearing in Create Issue screen

  • Loading options for 'Select Template' when using Oracle DB caused an error

  • Fixed ‘Set Issue’ functionality is not working

  • Fix problem with NaN value when user want to select the template in manage hierarchy

  • Issue excluding nodes while applying a hierarchy

  • Out of memory issue

  • Save and Update template button is outside Create Issue Screen

  • Save as 1.0 button didn't work with 7.0.0 Jira

  • Empty value for a variable in the required field

  • The entered data is not displayed on the 'Create Hierarchy' page after clicking the 'Add' button

  • The templates are not displayed after creating them

  • Apply button is active when Hierarchy is invalid

  • Project deleting doesn't influence Hierarchies handling

  • Template created from sub-task changes Issue Type on create issue screen

  • The error message 'Hierarchy name must be more than 1 and less 64 characters' is not shown below the required 'Hierarchy name' field

  • The 'Tag must be more than 3 characters' message is displayed in the 'Tag' dropdown list on the 'Create Hierarchy' page

  • Applying template in the node broke issueType and project dropdowns

  • The hierarchy containing the .png image is not copied on the 'Manage Templates' page after clicking the copy button

  • Error displaying page after closing Create Template using Esc

  • Linking the node is not completed on the 'Link Node' page after clicking the 'Link' button

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