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Getting Started

Welcome to the Smart Time-off documentation page!


🗓 The Smart Time-off app is your way to organize your team:

  • create, approve and manage time-off requests

  • use various time-off types available out-of-box or create your own

  • manage the list of possible Requesters and Approvers

  • control all available actions with the Permissions system

🚀 See in the future updates:

  • Dashboard

  • More statuses

  • Holidays schema for multinational teams


It is helpful if…

(lightbulb) you need to report how many days off have been taken recently or during a specific period of time

👥 you have to manage big teams

🤯 your HR department is struggling with the all-day off requests

🏕 you prefer to plan all vacations up to the year

Read more about the functionality…


Setting Permissions

My Time-off

Manage Time-off


Manage Settings

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