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Release Notes 1.8.0

We are glad to introduce the 1.8.0 version with new features that you will definitely appreciate!

Custom Variables

You can put any text in variables and use it through many hierarchies!

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New System Variables

We added new System Variables that allow you to get the Current User, Parent Issue Key, Project Name, and more other options that you can check following the link below.

Full list of System Variables

A new type of Variables

You can create a new type of variable in Hierarchies. It is a "User" Type. This type allows set user in Assignee or Reporter from Variables. If this type is used with a text field, it will insert the user’s display name.

Read More about Types of Variables


With tags, you can mark your templates or hierarchy by special values that will have a sense for you. For example, it can be the names of departments where this template\hierarchy will be helpful. Then you can easily find it using a filter.

Filters and Sorting

We added useful filters to our manage pages. You can easily find anything by these filters.

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