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Release Notes 3.0.0

New Features:

🎯 Global information related to all projects and statistics for views

We're excited to introduce a powerful new feature in the 'Views for Jira' app: Global Project and User Statistics (go to the Apps >> Views for Jira). This feature provides a comprehensive overview of project with views and user engagement with views in your Jira instance, enabling you to optimize issue management and user interactions.

Key Features:

  • Global Issues Statistics: Get a comprehensive overview of all issue viewing statistics, including project-specific insights.

  • User Engagement Insights: Monitor user engagement by user groups and custom folders.

  • Project Activity Center: Track project engagement levels easily.

  • Popularity Indicators: Understand issue popularity.

  • Efficiency Filters: Streamline data management.

This feature will help you make informed decisions and enhance your Jira experience. For more details, refer to our documentation or contact our support team.

How to manage views: Managing Views

🎯 Detailed Issue View Analytics with ‘Views for Jira’ custom field

This feature provides in-depth insights into how and when issues are viewed within the app, helping you gain valuable data for better project management.

Installation Requirement: After installing the app, you'll need to add the 'Views for Jira' custom field to your projects.

With the 'Views for Jira' custom field added, you can now enjoy detailed Issue View Analytics:

Issue View Analytics:

  • Access data in both Table View and Graph View formats for a complete perspective.

Table View:

  • View detailed information about issue views, including users, last viewed time, and view counts.

  • Use filters to sort and organize data effectively.

Graph View:

  • Visualize viewing data over selected time frames.

Project Issues Views:

  • Get a clear overview of viewed issues for the current project.

  • Access information such as issue summaries, issue keys, users who viewed, and total view counts.

  • Apply filters for efficient data management.

🎯 Popular views

'Popular Views for Jira' panel, providing you with instant insights into the engagement metrics of your project's issues right from your Jira issue view page!

Key Features:

  • Top 5 Issues: Quickly identify the most viewed issues in your project.

  • Issue Key and View Count: See the issue key alongside the number of views for each popular issue.

  • Time Filter: Customize the time frame to view popularity data for the day, week, or month.

🎯 Permissions

Permissions page, a powerful addition to 'Views for Jira' that allows Jira administrators to control access and configure permissions for various actions related to the app.

Key Features:

  • Access Control: Define who can perform specific actions within 'Views for Jira.'

  • Granular Permissions: Fine-tune access to the following areas:

    • Issue Views: Control usage of the 'Views for Jira' custom field.

    • Global Views: Manage access to the app's main screen for view management.

    • Popular Views: Decide who can see the 'Popular Views for Jira' panel and the top 5 issues.

How to use Permissions: Permissions

Bug fixes:

  • The Folders are not shown on the Views for Jira page after first opening the ‘Views for Jira’ app

  • The custom project icon is not shown on the Issues and Project pages

  • The ‘All’ folder is not highlighted on the Issues/Users pages after switching between pages

  • The Issue page is not opened in the new tab after clicking on the Issue Key on the Users page

  • The blank page is shown on the Issues page after creating a new folder on the Users page

  • The new folder is not added to the Users page

  • The ‘Popular Views for Jira’ tab has infinite loading in the side Jira Project tab if the user doesn`t have the View for the app and the ‘View for Jira’ custom field was not added

  • The sorting ‘Less users/Most users’ showed the wrong results on the ‘Projects’ page

  • The sorting result by searching is broken on the ‘Issues’ page after sorting by ‘Most views'

  • All sections from the ‘Group by’ list are highlighted in the 'Issue View Analytics’ dialog

  • The value for the ‘Users’ and ‘Views' columns cleared on the ‘Project Issues Views’ dialog after searching issues by name

  • The ‘edit mode’ for permissions is not closed on the ‘Views for Jira Permissions’ page after editing the permissions

  • The updated project icon is not shown on the Issues and Project pages after changing the project icon

  • The updated user icon is not shown on the Issues, Users and Project pages after changing the user icon

  • The sorting result by searching is broken on the ‘Project Issues Views’ page after sorting by ‘Most views'

  • The wrong number of users in the ‘All’ folder is shown on the User page

  • The users who only have views in the instance are shown on the Users page

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