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Manage Checklists

For managing Checklist use the ‘Manage Checklists’ page.

Using this page, depending on your permissions, you can do the following actions with the Checklists:


View applied checklist

To view Jira Issues for which were applied specific Checklists use the ‘View applied checklist’ button on the ‘Manage Checklists’ page


With the ‘View applied checklist’ function you can see:

  • The Issue Key for the Jira issue that was applied Checklist

  • The current progress for HCecklist in the %

  • Ability to ‘Reset’ progress for the checklist


To mark steps for a Checklist like ‘finished’ you can enable the checkbox for the Checklists from the 'View applied checklist’ or from the Jira Issue View page.

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