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Release Notes 1.5.0

What’s new?

Admin Filter “Can Apply” NEW

Admin can now filter the “Manage Templates” page with hiding Templates they can’t use.

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Change Template Owner NEW

The user who is granted permissions “Change Template Owner” and “Edit Templates” can change the owner of the required Template.

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Apply Hierarchy Post function NEW

Now you can apply Hierarchy while changing the issue status. Add “Apply Hierarchy” to the chosen workflow transition and spend less time for creating issues!

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The new version for the Templates supports a huge list of custom fields from Jira Application and your favorite add-ons. You can try it now! We will appreciate for feedback!

You can create a new Template 2.0 or update the one you already have. Also, you can downgrade it back to Templates 1.0.

The Templates 2.0 has a special label right next to the name.

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  • Fixed an issue for Hierarchies that caused users inability to save a hierarchy with an empty required field.

  • Fixed an issue for Hierarchies that caused users inability to create a hierarchy (Jira 8.10-8.12)

  • Fixed an issue for Hierarchies that caused users inability to edit Sub-task Nodes.

  • Fixed an issue for Hierarchies that caused to create a new issue in Jira when you edit Sub-task Node

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Before submitting a bug report or support ticket, please update to the latest version of the add-on.

Please add information about the version of Jira and the add-on.

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