Define Comment mood
In Smart Comments for Jira, we've introduced a new feature that allows you to visualize the mood of each comment using an intuitive color-coded system. This guide will show you how to effectively understand and use the Comment Mood Detector feature.

Understanding Comment Mood Indicator
The mood of each comment is represented by a small circle under each сomment The color of the circle indicates the general mood of the word:
Red: Represents a "miserable" or negative mood.
Grey: Represents a "neutral" mood.
Yellow: Represents a "cool" or positive mood.
Green: Represents an "excellent" or very positive mood.
How to Use the Comment Mood Detector
First of all enable the Comment Mood option in the ‘Filters’ dialog with the ‘Show mood’ button
Navigate to the comment you wish to inspect. Look for the small colored circle located directly underneath the comment’s text. This is the mood indicator.
Сlick on the mood indicator. A scale will appear showing the exact mood of the comment based on our AI's interpretation of the text.
The scale ranges from "miserable" to "excellent", corresponding to the colors red, grey, yellow, and green respectively. The position of the indicator on the scale provides a more precise understanding of the mood than the color alone.
Use the mood indicator as a tool to better understand the tone of the comments in your Jira discussions. For example, a string of comments with red mood indicators might suggest a conflict or problem that needs addressing, while green mood indicators could signify satisfaction or agreement.
Remember, the AI's interpretation is based on the text of the comment and does not take into account context outside of the comment itself. It's a powerful tool for getting a quick impression of a comment's tone, but it's always important to read and consider the comment as a whole.