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Release Notes 9.8.0

New Features:

🎯 The German version of the Smart Time-off

We're thrilled to announce that Smart Time-off has expanded its horizons. Starting today, you can experience all the features and benefits in German.


🔥 Ability to turn off the manager dashboard feature

We added the ability to disable the Manager Dashboard function. You can enable/disable the Manager Dashboard function on the Setting page (open Manage your apps >> Smart Time off >> Settings page)

How to use Manager Dashboard: Manager Dashboard

🔥 Ability to select an accrual scheme for vacation days

It allows to choose how vacation time is accrued for employees. The two options provided are:

  1. Day: Under this scheme, vacation time is accrued on a daily basis. This means for each working day, an employee earns a certain amount of vacation time. This is a more granular approach and can be beneficial for tracking vacation accruals in real-time or in environments where employees' work schedules vary significantly.

  2. Year: In this scheme, vacation time is accrued annually, at the beginning of each year. This typically means that an employee receives their entire year's worth of vacation time upfront. This approach is simpler to manage and is common in environments with standard work schedules and traditional employment patterns.


⬆️ Improvements to the CSV report:

  • The days off shown in the CSV report

  • The total number of business PTO days is shown in the CSV report for each of the users selected

  • The PTO Description text is shown in the CSV report

  • The summary of all taken vacation days shown in the CSV report by a given person when the user has positive unused vacation days

⬆️ Improvements to the Holiday Templates:

  • The Holiday Template has an Edit ability

  • The Holidays automatically set for the next year

  • The Holiday calculated as day-off

Bug fixed:

  • The search is not working for the ‘Select user(s)’ field on the ‘Edit user(s)’ dialogs after entering the name of the user

  • The "Select user(s)" field is blocked by the empty user icon on the Manager dashboard page when editing the separate user with the "Edit user(s)" dialog

  • The Unused Paid Time-Off days are reset to zero on the My Time-off page when refreshing the page

  • The number of Total Vacation Days and Unused Vacation Days is set as 0 after refreshing the page

  • The error "Cannot read property 'key' or undefined" appears on the My Time-off page when creating a request

  • The Groups can not be added to the Template Holiday on the Create/Edit Template Holiday dialog

  • Cannot set the End date the same as the Start date on the My Time-off page when creating a new request

  • Only 10 users are shown as participants for the Holiday Template in the Holiday Template tab

  • The wrong text is shown on the ‘Manage Time-off’ page after using the filter

  • The ‘View’ button is shown on the ‘Holiday Template’ button while the page is loading

  • The value for the ‘Total Vacation Days’ is set as 0 on the Manager Dashboard page after setting new values for vacation days on the Settings page

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