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Release Notes 9.13.0

New Improvements:

🎯 Ability to disable the Manager Dashboard for specific user

Recognizing the diverse needs of our user base, we've introduced the ability to enable/disable the Manager Dashboard for specific users.

To adjust your Manager Dashboard settings, simply navigate to the ‘Manage Dashboard’ page. From there, you can customize which users have access to the Manager Dashboard, providing a tailored experience that meets your team's specific requirements.

How to disable the Manager Dashboard for specific users: Manager Dashboard | Disable-the-Manager-Dashboard-for-specific-users

🎯 Adjustment days for specific user(s)

This new feature allows managers to easily adjust team members' time off, ensuring that any necessary corrections or updates to leave balances are handled swiftly and efficiently.

Adjustment Days provide managers with the flexibility to accommodate unique circumstances or rectify any discrepancies in leave records, all from within the Manager Dashboard. This feature not only streamlines the administrative process but also ensures that your team's leave balances are always accurate and up-to-date.

How to use Adjustment days: Manager Dashboard | Specify-Adjustments-days

⬆️ Improved speeds of loading app

Today, we're pleased to announce a significant enhancement that will make using our app even better – improved loading speeds!

Bug fixed:

  • The drop-down list shifted to the right on the Settings and My Time-off pages when creating a Request and creating a Holiday template and opening drop-down lists

  • Cannot remove the selected user on the Permissions page when editing this page using the "Add user" field

  • The app is not working for the user who is not in the site-admin group on the instance

  • The request can not be created for a user who has disabled the Manager Dashboard

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