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Release Notes 9.0.0

🎯 New Feature: E-mail integration

The E-mail Integration feature allows users of the Smart Time-Off App to seamlessly communicate and notify approvers about their time-off requests. Additionally, the requesters are informed about the status of their request (whether approved or declined) through e-mail.

The e-mail letter about the approved or declined request will be received by the user who created the request and who is in the requester field.

Link how to enable and use the E-mail integration:E-mail integration

Bugs Fixed:

  • The ‘Reason’ field is shown in the e-mail message about the created request if the user has not entered a ‘Reason’

  • The text color is different for fields on the e-mail notification about the created request

  • The user icon is not shown on ‘the My Time-off’ page after the user changed his icon

  • The ‘No options’ result is shown in the ‘Issue link for Email send’ dropdown list on the Integration page after searching the issue by name

  • The validation of the 'Type name' field is broken on the 'Create Time-off type' modal

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