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Manage Comment Templates

The Templates is the first and main tab on the Smart Comments Templates panel.


šŸ“‘ Page Components

  1. Navigation tabs

  2. Comment Templates Searcher by name

  3. Comment Template Search by tags

  1. Comment Template name

  2. The ā€˜Applyā€™ button

  3. The ā€˜Deleteā€™ button

  4. The ā€˜Editā€™ button

  5. The ā€˜Create templateā€™ button

Create a Comment Template

From the Templates tab

  1. Click the Create Template button

  2. Enter the Comment Name


  1. Select one of the existing tags or create a new one in the Tags field

  1. Select the Scopeswhere your Comment will be available. By default, the GLOBAL scope is selected.

  2. Finally, enter the comment body - use text styles and variables to make it perfect.

  3. Click the Save button to save a new Comment Template


From the Smart Comments tab

  1. Go to the issue

  2. Open up the comment editor

  3. Click on ā€œCreate Templateā€ button

  1. Thatā€™s it. You will see the Create Template view

Edit a Comment Template

It is possible to edit every field of your Comment Template. To open an editor:

  1. Open the Templates tab on the Smart Comments Templates panel.

  2. Click the Comment Template name


  1. Edit the data you need

  2. Click the ā€˜Updateā€™ button to save all changes


Delete a Comment Template

  1. Open the Templates tab on the Smart Comments Templates panel.

  2. Click the Bin icon in the Comment Template name row


  1. Click the ā€˜Deleteā€™ button in the ā€˜Delete Templateā€™ confirmation dialog


If one of the actions above is unavailable, you may not granted with the appropriate Permission.

Searching for a Comment Template

There are two main parameters for template searching: by Name and by Tag.

  • by Name - enter a full Comment Template name or its part to the search field above the Comments list to find a comment you want. The results will be shown together with the Groups to which Comments belong. This search is case-sensitive.

  • by Tag - select a Tag name to see all Comment Templates you had used this tag with.

Combine all types of searching for the best results.



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