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Release Notes 16.16.0

New Features:

🎯 Added the ‘Apply’ button for the Template to the Templates table in the ‘Actions’ button

This feature allows perform template-related actions with ease, directly from the Templates table, streamlining their workflow and improving efficiency.

🌐 'Global scope' which was created by default

We are excited to introduce the concept of "Global Scope," a new and powerful feature that is now created by default in our application. This enhancement represents a fundamental shift in how our application operates and offers users an enhanced and streamlined experience right from the start.

How to use Global Scope: Global Scope

đŸ”„ Import Templates from the Server

We are thrilled to introduce a powerful new feature that simplifies the process of transferring templates from your on-premises server to our cloud-based platform. With the "Import Templates from the Server to Cloud" feature, you can seamlessly migrate your templates to the cloud, making them accessible from anywhere and facilitating collaboration like never before.

How to Import Templates from the Server?

Import Templates to Cloud

Bugs Fixed:

  • The selected items are not changed on the ‘Apply Checklist’ modal on the ‘Manage Checklists’ page for new/existing issue

  • The user icon is not shown on the Manage Template page if the user was deleted from the organization

  • The 'USERS” category is shown on the SITC Permissions page after deleting the selected user

  • The selected items are not removed from the fields on the ‘Apply Checklist’ modal on the ‘Manage Checklists’ page for new/existing issues after clicking the ‘cross’ icon on the field

  • Filter by typing does not work for some Hierarchy Node custom fields while creating Hierarchy

  • The long checklist name is cut in the ‘SITC Checklist’ dialog on the Jira Issue View page

  • The name validation is broken on the Manage Templates for Imported Templates

  • The ‘Template content’ is empty in the ‘Edit Template’ dialog on the Manage Templates page for the Imported Templates.

  • The value for the ‘Priority’ field is empty for the Imported Template.

  • The ‘Next Template’ button has a wrong view in the ‘Import template’ dialog on the Magae Templates page during the importing of several templates at once

  • The ‘Fix version’ value is not saved for the Imported Template after selecting the ‘Fix version’ value in the ‘Import Template’ dialog.

  • The ‘No options’ result is shown in the ‘Components’ field on the ‘Import template’ dialog during Importing the Template.

  • Remove the 'Beta' from the Checklist

  • The blank page is shown on the 'Manage Templates' page after clicking on the definite page number

  • The 'Apply' button is disabled for the Template in the ‘Actions’ section of the 'Manage Templates' page after switching between the app`s sections

  • The blank page is shown on the 'Manage Templates' page after creating a pre-installed template

  • The icons with information about scope are resized in the ‘Edit Template’ dialog on the Manage Templates page

  • The user icons are not shown in the ‘information’ dialog for the Manage Templates page.

  • The new ‘Fix version’ value is not applied for the Imported Template after selecting the new ‘Fix version’ value in the ‘Import Template’ dialog

  • The ‘Import Template’ button is shown on the Manage Template page if the ‘Import ability enabled’ checkbox is disabled

  • The value for the ‘Fix version’ field can be selected once more on the ‘Import Template’ dialog if this value is the same as on the Imported Template from the Server

  • The Imported Template with an empty name can be created

  • The ‘owner’ is not shown in the ‘Owner’ column on the ‘Import Template’ dialog

  • The selected 'Available only for owner' checkbox is not saved on the 'Create template/Edit Template' modal

  • The several Templates can not be exported at one time

  • The 'edit scope' feature has disappeared on the 'Create/Edit Template' modal

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