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Manage Hierarchy

The 'Manage Hierarchies' section serves as your hub for organizing and administering the hierarchies you've created. Accessible through the 'Apps' menu, this section offers a comprehensive suite of tools to modify, view, and manage hierarchies according to your permissions.


Accessing Manage Hierarchies

To navigate to the "Manage Hierarchies" page:

  1. Go to the 'Apps' section.

  2. Select 'Manage Hierarchies'.

  3. Click on the 'Hierarchies' button in the left navigation panel.

Here, you can perform actions like creating, applying, duplicating, and deleting hierarchies, among others.


Key Actions

Creating and Applying Hierarchies

  • Create a Hierarchy: Initiate the creation of a new hierarchy by selecting the 'Create Hierarchy' option. Provide the necessary details and configurations for your hierarchy.

  • Apply a Hierarchy: Utilize the 'Apply' button to initiate the selected hierarchy's application process, including a confirmation step.


How to Create Hierarchy: Сreate Hierarchy

How to Apply Hierarchy: Apply Hierarchy

Managing Hierarchy Schedulers

  • View Schedulers: Hover over the clock icon next to a hierarchy to see available schedulers.


How to manage Scheduler: Apply Hierarchy by Schedule

Duplicating and Deleting Hierarchies

  • Duplicate a Hierarchy: Use the 'Duplicate' button to create a copy of a hierarchy.


  • Delete a Hierarchy: Remove a hierarchy by selecting it and clicking the 'Delete' option. Deleted hierarchies move to the 'Trash' folder for 30 days before permanent deletion.


Sharing Hierarchies Permissions

  • Copy Hierarchy Link and Share Permissions for the selected Hierarchy: Share a hierarchy by copying its link to your clipboard and share permissions with either user for the Hierarchy.


How to manage sharing Permissions for Hierarchy: Share Hierarchies Permission

Organizing with Hierarchy Folders

Hierarchy Folders - a feature for better organization.


Creating and Managing Folders

  • Create a Folder: Click 'Add a Folder', choose a name and icon, and create your folder.

  • Edit or Delete a Folder: Modify folder details or remove a folder without affecting the hierarchies it contains.


Folder Operations

  • Add/Remove a Hierarchy to/from a Folder: Adjust folder associations for your hierarchies as needed.


History and Records

  • Hierarchy Apply History: Track the application of hierarchies and the progress of associated Jira issues through the 'Apply History' tab. This includes detailed records of each time when the Hierarchy was applied, searchable by date range.



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