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Template Folders

Template folders in Jira help organize templates for easy access and management. Users can group templates by categories, improving workflow efficiency and ensuring clarity when managing multiple templates.


Available Actions

1. Create a New Template Folder

  • Steps:

    1. Click the Add Folder button on the right-hand side of the Templates page.

    2. In the "Create Template Folder" dialog:

      • Select a Folder Avatar from the available icons to visually represent the folder.

      • Enter a Folder Name in the input field.

    3. Click the Create button to add the new folder.

  • Outcome: A new folder is created, appearing as a card in the folder list.


2. Add Templates to a Folder

  • Steps:

    1. Locate a template from the template list in the table view.

    2. Click the Actions menu (three vertical dots) associated with the template.

    3. Select the Add to Folder option.

    4. Choose the desired folder from the dropdown menu.

  • Outcome: The selected template is added to the specified folder.


3. View Folder Contents

  • Steps:

    1. Navigate to the folder list.

    2. Click on a folder card to view the templates stored inside.

  • Outcome: Templates contained within the folder are displayed.


4. Edit/Delete Folder

Edit Folder

  • Steps:

    1. Hover over a folder card.

    2. Click the Edit (Pencil Icon) button on the folder card.

    3. Modify the folder avatar or name in the Edit Folder dialog.

    4. Click the Save button to apply the changes.

  • Outcome: Updates to the folder's icon or name are applied, and the folder is updated.

Delete Folder

  • Steps:

    1. Hover over a folder card.

    2. Click the Edit (Pencil Icon) button on the folder card.

    3. Click on Delete button.

    4. Click the Confirm button.


5. Search Folders

  • Steps:

    1. Use the Search Folders input field at the top of the page.

    2. Enter keywords related to the folder name.

  • Outcome: Matching folders are displayed in the list for quick access.


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