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Supported Fields

The Export and Import functionality has got some limitations.

Here is a list of field types that are supported:

  • Group Picker (single and multiple)

  • User Picker (single and multiple)

  • Number field

  • Text Field (single and multi-line)

  • Fix version + Version Picker (single and multiple)

  • Assignee and Reporter

  • Date Picker (in case the Date format is the same)

  • Date Time Picker (in case the Date format is the same)

  • URL field

  • Project Picker

  • Components

The following system fields are not supported:

  • Attachments

  • Epic Link

  • Sprint

For any questions or feature requests contact us via the Customer Portal

Or drop us an email at If you are using this option, please check your junk folder regularly, as our reply can be placed there by your email service.

Before submitting a bug report or support ticket, please update to the latest version of the add-on.

Please add information about the version of Jira and the add-on.

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