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Restricting Templates usage in the Template Picker

The Template usage depends on two fields in the Template configurations:

  1. The Available for field

  2. The Scope field

The Available for field is responsible for who can apply the Template. It has two options:

  • Owner

  • Scope
    You can choose the Owner option, in the Available for field, this allows to use the Template, only for the owner of the Template not for the scope.

Starting from the 1.12.0 SIT version and above templates can have multiple owners selected. Add the user into the Owners field (you should have the Browse Users Jira permission for this action) and he will be able to apply it.

You can choose the Scope option in the Available for field if you want to share the Template with other users. This allows to use the Template for each user that has access to projects that were listed in Scope and/or is a member of the group defined in the Scope.

The Scope field restricts where users can use the Template.

Restrict Template to specific Project

create tem 3.png

For example:
'My Template' template with ‘My Scope’ scope is applicable for:

  • The Issues in the Scrum Software (SSD) project

  • The Issue of any issue type

  • For any user in any group.


Restrict Template to specific Issue Type(s) across all Projects

create tem 4.png

For example:
'My Template' template with the ‘My Scope’ scope is applicable for:

  • Any project

  • Task or Story issue types

  • For any user in any group.


Restrict Template to specific Issue Type(s) in specific Project(s)

create tem 5.png

For example:
'My Template' template with the ‘My Scope’ scope is applicable for:

  • The Issues in the Scrum Software (SSD) project

  • Task or Story issue types

  • For any user in any group


It will not be available for any other Issue Type except Task and Story under any other project except the Scrum Software (SSD)

Restrict Template to specific Group of users

For manging the list of groups, you should have Browse Users Jira Permission granted.

Similar to restrictions by Project and Issue type you can set restriction by a specific users' group. Only users who are members of groups listed can use the Templates with Scope like shown in the screenshot.

create tem 6.png

For example:
'My Template' template with the ‘My Scope’ scope is applicable for:

  • The Issues in any project

  • Any issue type

  • For the members of the developers-team group.


Restrict Template to specific Users

Starting from the 1.12.0 SIT version and above restriction by the spesific Users is added

create tem 7.png

For example:
'My Template' template with the ‘My Scope’ scope is applicable for:

  • The Issues in any project

  • Any issue type

  • For John Snow and admin

The restrictions by Group also works together with Projects and Issue Types.

create tem 8.png

For example:
'My Template' template with the ‘My Scope’ scope is applicable for:

  • The Issue in the Scrum Software (SSD) project

  • For Task and Story

  • For admin and John Snow (who is a member of the developers-team group)


No Restriction (GLOBAL)

If you want to create a Template that is available anywhere in Jira you can use a special scope named GLOBAL. Also, you can create your own global Scope for your Templates, just leave all of the Scope fields (except the required fields like Scope Name and Owners ) empty for it.

create tem 9.png

For example:
'My Template' template with the ‘My Scope’ scope can be used in the Issues with any configurations.



You can read more about Scopes via the link Scopes

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