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Release Notes 1.12.3

New feature:

  • The Default Template makes the unique template applied immediately after the combination of Jira project and issue type is selected. It is disabled by default on the ‘Configurations’ page.

Bug fixes:

  • The 'Owners' field is not doubled on the 'Create Hierarchy' page after clicking the 'Cancel' button on the 'Node: Node 1' dialog

  • The error message is provided with the problem explanation on the 'Create Hierarchy' page after clicking the 'Save Hierarchy' button

  • The error message is displayed below the required 'Owner' field on the 'Node' dialog after deleting the admin away from the 'Owner' field and clicking the 'Save' button

  • The 'Node: Node 1' dialog is not closed after updating the template from the 'Node: Node 1' dialog

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