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Release Notes 5.2.0

What's New

We're thrilled to announce the latest updates to Smart Comments for Jira. Here's what's new in this release:

New Scheduled Comments feature

Using the Scheduled Comments feature, you can schedule comments posted at a specified time and date. As a result, the feature facilitates and automates communication within projects, allowing for more efficient and accurate workflows.

This Scheduled Comments link provides detailed information about the usage and benefits of this feature.

Bug Fixes & Improvements:

The Comment Template is not applied on the Smart Comments tab after clicking the ‘Cancel’ button while editing the Comment

In case the comment was removed, a notification was added after following the link to the comment.

Thank You!

Your feedback has been invaluable in shaping these new updates. We're always working to make Smart Comments for Jira better for you, and we can't wait to hear what you think.

For any questions or feature requests, contact us via Customer Portal

Thank you for using Smart Comments for Jira, and happy commenting!

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