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JQL Folder Integration

JQL (Jira Query Language) for Folder in the Global Issue Statistics page allows you to perform advanced searches to find exactly the issues you need and add them to your folders for better organization.

To create a custom folder with issues on the Global Issue Statistics page with JQL:

  1. Open the Global Issue Statistics page

  2. Click the ‘Add Folder’ button

  3. Select the folder avatar

  4. Enter the Folder Name

  5. Click on the JQL in the ‘Folder issues’ section

  6. Enter your JQL query

  1. Click the ‘Search’ button

  2. Click the ‘Create’ button

Now the Folder with issues has been created

Examples of JQL queries

We support queries for JQL functions, JQL fields, and JQL keywords.

1. Find All Open Issues in a Specific Project

project = "YourProjectKey" AND status = "Open"

This query searches for all issues in the project with the key YourProjectKey that are currently in an "Open" status.

2. Locate Issues Assigned to a Specific User

assignee = "" AND project = "YourProjectKey"

Replace with the actual user's email or username. This filters issues in YourProjectKey assigned to the specified user.

3. Search for High Priority Issues Updated in the Last Week

project = "YourProjectKey" AND priority = Highest AND updated >= -1w

This finds issues in YourProjectKey with the highest priority that were updated in the last week.

4. Find Issues with Specific Labels

project = "YourProjectKey" AND labels IN ("bug_fix", "urgent")

This query returns issues in YourProjectKey that have been labeled either "bug_fix" or "urgent".

5. Retrieve Issues from Multiple Projects

project IN ("ProjectKey1", "ProjectKey2") AND status = "In Progress"

Searches for issues that are in progress across multiple projects, identified by their project keys.

6. Find Issues Created by a Specific User

project = "YourProjectKey" AND reporter = ""

This filters for issues in YourProjectKey that were reported by the specified user's email or username.

7. Locate Issues Containing Text in Summary or Description

project = "YourProjectKey" AND text ~ "critical bug"

Searches for issues in YourProjectKey where the summary or description contains the phrase "critical bug".

8. Find All Epics

project = "YourProjectKey" AND issuetype = Epic

Returns all issues that are of the type Epic within the specified project.

9. Issues Without a Specific Component

project = "YourProjectKey" AND component IS EMPTY

Finds all issues in YourProjectKey that have not been assigned to any component.


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