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Release Notes 3.4.0

New Features:

🎯 JQL Folder Integration for Global Issue Statistics page

We're excited to introduce an advanced feature that will transform the way you organize and manage issues within our platform: JQL (Jira Query Language) for folders on the Global Issue Statistics page. This powerful tool allows you to conduct in-depth searches, pinpointing exactly the issues you need, and seamlessly add them to custom folders for optimal organization.

How to use JQL query for searching issues: JQL Folder Integration

Bug fixed:

  • The updated user icon is not shown on the Issues, Users, and Project pages after changing the user icon

  • Fix 5 properties limit bug

  • The updated project icon is not shown on the Issues and Project pages after changing the project icon

  • Fix the loading bug in the custom field modal window

  • The button "Syntax help" is not clickable on the Global issues statistics page when adding a new Folder and searching for issues with JQL mode

  • The blank page is shown on the Team Views page after clicking on the ‘Add Folder’ button

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