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Release Notes 3.1.0

New Features:

🎯 Status of the viewed issues

On the Global Issues Statistics page add the ‘Status’ column where you can see the the status of the Jira Issue.


🔥 Last view for the Jira Issue

On the Global Issues Statistics page add the ‘Last View’ column where you can see the date and time when this Jira Issue was viewed at last time.


🎯 Updated the ‘Popularity’ option

The "Popularity" column employs a visual star rating system to convey the relative frequency of views or interactions for each listed issue within a project management or issue tracking application.


Bug fixes:

  • The ‘Issue View Analytics’ is shown in the ‘Create Jira issue’ dialog and can not be closed

  • The popularity option is not updated on the Global Issues Statistics page after using a filter

  • The blank page appears on the Global Issues Statistics page when trying to Search issue OR Select a user

  • When there are many issues - panel does not load

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