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Release Notes 5.2.0

New Features:

  • validation for the Time-Off type name is added

Bugs Fixed:

  • The height of the 'Delete' buttons is the same on the 'My Time-off' page

  • The time-off status is сhanged after its approval from ‘Approved’ to 'Completed’ on the 'My Time-off' and 'Manage Time-off' pages as the date it was requested for is in the past at the moment.

  • The emojis images section is always opened above the time off type and always visible on the 'Settings' page after clicking the emoji of the created time off type.

  • The name of the color is not displayed on the color rectangle on the 'Settings' page

  • Clicking the 'Status' column name changes the order of the requests on the 'My Time-off' and 'Manage Time-off' page from A to Z and from Z to A.

  • Improved filtering by Time-off Type on the ‘Manage Time-off’ page

  • The date format is the same in ‘Create Request’ dialog, ‘Create Report’ dialog, ‘Manage Time-off’ page, ‘My Time-off’ page, and ‘Widgets’ page.

  • Fixed the Time-off sorting

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