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Release Notes 20.4.0

New features:

We added an ‘info panel’ element to our editor. Now the Template and Hierarchies support the ‘info panel’ element in the Description


Bugs fixed:

  • The Hierarchy is not applied by the Scheduler if the variables were used in the Node fields

  • The way of creating a template changes to "Template from existing issue" on the Edit Template dialog when a template was created From Scratch or from Hierarchy Node, and updated after that

  • The Template is not applied if the Templated was duplicated from the Template created from the existing Jira Issue

  • The spinner is not shown on the ‘Create/Edit Template’ dialog after clicking the ‘Add’ button for creating a new scope

  • The different behavior for the Manage Templates and Manage Hierarchies page after creating a duplicate for the Template/Hierarchy

  • The Template has empty content this Templates was duplicated from the Template created from the existing issue

  • The error ‘There was an error invoking the function - Cannot read property 'value' of undefined’ was shown after restoring Template created from scratch from the Trash

  • The Template can not be applied on the Manage Template page after creating the first Template on the instance

  • The blank page is shown after clicking on the ‘Template Content’ button for the Template created from scratch that was restored from the trash

  • The restored Template can not be applied if the Template was created from scratch

  • The ‘Hierarchy Node' field is cleared on the 'Edit Template’ dialog after updating the Hierarchy from that was created a Template

  • The Scope can be deleted if this Scope was used in the Template

  • The way of creating a template is changed to "Created from Node" when restoring a template created from scratch from the trash

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