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Release Notes 20.1.0

New Improvement:

🎯 We are thrilled to announce a significant upgrade to our backend infrastructure that enhances the SITC app's capabilities and user experience. As part of our continuous efforts to improve and innovate, we've transitioned from the Forge Key-value store to the Forge Custom entity store.

What This Means for You:

  • ⬆️ Enhanced Performance: The switch to the Forge Custom entity store brings about a notable improvement in the speed and reliability of our app, ensuring a smoother and more efficient user experience.

  • ⬆️ Support for 7k Templates: With this upgrade, we are now able to support 7k Templates on the SITC app. This means more flexibility, better customization options, and an overall enriched app functionality that meets your needs and expectations.

We are committed to providing our users with the best possible experience and the latest in technology advancements. This move is a step forward in our journey towards achieving excellence and providing value to our users.

Bug fixes:

  • The Template can not be created after achieving the limit of storage of 131072 characters

  • The Template can not be duplicated on the Manage Templates page if the Template was created from scratch

  • The Templates are not created after importing them from the Server

  • The Manage Templates page has infinite loading if was created 7k Templates

  • Only100 Templates were imported instead of the 200 Templates

  • The dialog with the migration process for Templates can be closed if the user clicks behind the dialog

  • The Hierarchy can not be updated after migration processes for Templates

  • The app is not working for the user who is not in the site-admin group on the instance

  • The owner icons are not shown on the pages

  • The user icons are not shown in the Reporter AND Assignee fields on the Create Node From Issue dialog when using the Save Node function

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.