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Release Notes 16.9.0

Bugs Fixed:

The 'Select All' bulk edit checkbox is disabled and all fields checkboxes are enabled in the 'NODE' dialog after the bulk edit action was performed before in the current session

The 'Bulk edit' checkboxes are enabled in the Nodes section after the Nodes were edited with the Bulk edit mode

The user ID is shown instead of the username on the SIT Permissions page after the user was suspended

The 'Copy template link' tooltip is shown and the 'Copy template link' button is active in the 'Edit Template' dialog after clicking the Template name in the 'Manage Templates' page

The "Actions" button is blocked by the description field on the "Create/Edit Checklist" dialog when adding a sub-step to the sub-step

The template is applied on the 'Manage Templates' page after changing the 'Project' or 'Issue Type' which do not match the Template`s scope

The Template Name is not shown in the ‘Back to Template’ button on the ‘Create Issue’ dialog after applying the Template from the side menu

The selected template is not shown in the ‘Template’ field on the ‘Apply template to an issue’ modal after selecting

The “Assignee' is undefined in the Slack notification after using the Hierarchy ‘USER’ variable in the Hierarchy`s Node during creating/editing Hierarchy

The ‘Move’ menu is not closed for the Hierarchy Node on the Edit Hierarchy page if the Hierarchy changes were not saved

The previously edited scope is not edited on the ‘Create Template’ modal on the ‘Manage Templates’ page for the second time

The default value of the ‘USER’ type variable is not shown in the Slack Notifications after updating the Hierarchy

The color code of an Epic is not shown in the 'Epic Link' list on the Edit NODE dialog after searching Epic by name

The error message ‘v is not a function is shown on the Manage Scopes page after editing the scope

The user can edit a Template on the ‘Edit Template’ dialog on the ‘Manage Templates’ page by selecting another issue and clicking on the ‘SYNC with issue’ button if his edit permissions are disabled

The permissions checkboxes are not shown on the SITC Permissions page if the user who was added to the permissions was suspended

Not all Templates are shown in the SITC Template field on Create Issue Dialogue

The Template is not applied from the Manage Templates page if the component which was used in the field was deleted

The team-management project is shown in the project list on the ‘Choose projects that you want to add UI Modification’ dialog

The selected projects are not shown in the IU Modifications dialog

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.