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Release Notes 16.6.0

New Features:

Favorite Hierarchies

With this new functionality, you can easily mark your most frequently used hierarchies as favorites for quick access and convenience.

To mark a hierarchy as a favorite, locate the star icon next to the hierarchy's name and click on it. Once marked as a favorite, your chosen hierarchy will be prominently displayed at the top of the 'Apply Hierarchy' list, ensuring it's always within immediate reach.

Bugs Fixed:

Make the 'SITC Template' field disabled till the UI modifications are not uploaded in the 'Create Issue' native Jira Dialog

The result of sorting for the ‘Remaining Days' column is wrong on the Trash Templates page

The project icons are not shown in the ‘Edit Scope’ dialog on the ‘Edit Template’ dialog

The default value of the ‘user variable’ is applied to the created Issue if the value of the ‘user variable’ was removed in the ‘Confirmation’ dialog

The project icons are not shown in the ‘Edit Scope’ dialog on the ‘Edit Scopes’ page

The New Value for the Hierarchy variable is not saved in the Variables section for Hierarchy after removing the Variable value

The error ‘There was an error invoking the function - prevVars[index] is not a function” is appeared on the ‘Edit Hierarchy’ page after changing the ‘USER’ variable type into the 'TEXT’

The selected template is not shown in the ‘Template’ field on the ‘Apply template to an issue’ modal after selecting

The blank page is shown on the ‘View Hierarchy’ page after clicking on the ‘Make png of hierarchy’ button

The ‘More Menu’ button is not clickable for the Hierarchy Node on the Edit Hierarchy page after clicking the ‘Move’ action

The ‘Restore’ and ‘Delete’ buttons are not shown at the ‘Action’ columns on the ‘Trash Template’ page if user has rights for restoring and deleting the Template

The default value of the ‘USER’ type variable is not validated on the ‘Edit Hierarchy’ page after the ‘TEXT’ variable is changed to ‘USER’ type

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.