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Release Notes 16.3.0

New Features:

Dark Mode Support

We're excited to unveil Dark Mode support for our plugin! Now, you can seamlessly transition to a darker color scheme, reducing eye strain and enhancing your overall user experience.

Sorting in Templates and Hierarchies Tables

In this update, we've added the ability to sort in both the Templates and Hierarchies tables. This added functionality should make it easier to find specific items and keep track of your various templates and hierarchies.

Templates Table View Update

Bugs Fixed:

The Scope details are not shown on the 'Manage scopes' page after opening the page.

The first page is opened on the Manage Scope page after clicking the ‘extend’ button for the scope from the second page with scope lists.

The value for the newly added Text Variables is not shown in the Notifications on Slack after updating the Hierarchy.

The HTML tags are shown in the ‘Epic Link’ field after searching the ‘Epic Link’ by key.

After entering the Number of generated tokens, the text is not ‘Extended’ to the given number of tokens in the ‘Description’ field on the ‘Edit Node’ dialog.

The old value of the 'Custom Variable' is applied in the Jira Issue after it was changed to new value in the 'Confirmation' dialog.

The Hierarchy variables are not shown in the ‘Variables’ section on the ‘Save Node' dialog.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.