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Release Notes 16.2.0

New Features:

Enhanced Default Values for TEXT Type Hierarchy Variables

When working with TEXT type Hierarchy variables, you can directly select one of the predefined default values from the Confirmation dialog.

Choose the value that best suits your needs before applying the hierarchy, and you're all set to go.

This new feature empowers you to save time and effort by eliminating the need to input default values for each variable manually.

Integration of the 'Security Level' Field in Create Issue from Template Dialog

You can now include the 'Security Level' field in your template. You can set the desired security level directly in the Jira Issue, and the selected value will be saved in the SITC Template.

Also, you can edit this value in the custom Create Issue from Template dialog before applying the Template.

This integration gives you greater control and flexibility when managing security settings for your issues. You can now ensure consistent security levels across your projects, saving time and effort while maintaining a secure environment.

Bugs Fixed:

  • The notification about the Hierarchy application is not received in the Slack channel if the current hierarchy has a lot of data.

  • The Hierarchies disappeared from the ‘All’ folder after deleting the Hierarchy from the View Hierarchy page.

  • The Hierarchy details are not loading on the View Hierarchy page after changing the Hierarchy Name while restoring the Hierarchy.

  • The record about Hierarchy/Template permanent deleting is not shown in the 'History' section of the 'Smart Issue Templates' admin panel if it was deleted automatically.

  • The ‘No options’ result is shown in the Create Scope dialog in the Manage Scopes page after searching project by Name.

  • The Hierarchy Node is still on the Create Hierarchy page in the German version of SITC.

  • The Hierarchy Variable is on the ‘GLOBALE VARIABLEN’ section in the Variable Dialog on the Hierarchy Node dialog on the German version of SITC.

  • The ‘Must have the status "Filled”' text is superimposed on the ‘Delete’ Node button in the Edit Hierarchy page after saving the Hierarchy with not Filled Hierarchy Node.

  • The Template with the same name can be created on the Manage Templates page.

  • The invalid project icon is shown in the Apply Template and Create issue (custom) dialogs after the custom project logo is uploaded.

  • The ‘deleted automatically' Templates are not shown on the History page after filtering the Templates by the ‘Delete’ action.

  • The ‘Update Hierarchy’ button has a blue color on the Edit Hierarchy page if was deleted all nodes from the Hierarchy.

  • The Hierarchy is not created from the Create Hierarchy page if the Hierarchy has a long description.

  • The 'You do not have permission to view this template. Contact administrator for permission' console error is shown on the 'Manage Templates' page after an attempt to apply the Template available for the user scope if the current user is not the Template owner.

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