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Release Notes 16.19.0

This release was dedicated to improving the Import Templates from the Smart Issue Templates server version.


  • Added the tooltip to the Owner name in the ‘Owner’ column on the ‘Import Template’ dialog

  • The ‘Back’ and ‘Close’ buttons are disabled while importing the Templates

  • Added the progress for the process of importing templates

  • Accelerated the name validation for the Template

  • Increased a limit for imported Templates at one time - now can be Imported 200 Templates at one time (but these depend on the size of the JSON file with exported templates)

Bugs fixed:

  • The Template names become the same after enabling the ‘Save selection for next template’ checkbox for Importing several templates at once.

  • The ‘Save selection for next template’ checkbox is shown on the ‘Import template’ dialog if was imported one Template

  • The fields that were filled are empty in the ‘Import Template’ dialog after clicking on the ‘Template Name’ to preview this Template

  • The blank page is shown in the Edit Template dialog on the Manage Templates page after clicking the ‘Template Content’ button for the imported Template from the Server

  • The ‘Template Content' button is not shown in the ‘Edit Template’ dialog in the Manage Templates page after Updating the imported Template

  • The Project, Issue type, and Scope fields are cleared in the Import Template dialog during Importing the Templates from the Server

  • The imported Template can not be duplicated if the Template was imported from the Server

  • The imported Template can not be applied with UI modifications

  • The fields are cleared in the ‘Import Template’ dialog while importing the Template after clicking the ‘Back’ button

  • The name of the issue type is cut in the ‘Import template’ dialog

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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