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Release Notes 16.1.0

New Features:

In UI Modifications, you can now choose the list of Projects you want to enable the SITC Template field for:

Added support for additional fields to UI Modifications: ‘single select', 'multiple select', 'checkboxes', 'paragraph', 'text field', 'user picker', 'multiple user picker', 'people'. Now Templates with these fields can be applied in the native 'Create Issue’ Jira Dialog.

Bugs Fixed:

  • All 'Alarm' icons are deleted for the Hierarchies on the Manage Hierarchies page after deleting the Scheduler for one Hierarchy.

  • The checklist step field is not adjusted to the size of the entered text in the 'Create/Edit Checklist' dialog if the number of characters is more than 234.

  • The 'Generate' button is grey instead of blue in the 'Generate Checklist Items with AI' dialog.

  • The HTML Tags are shown in the Jira Create Issue Dialog section on the SITC Settings page.

  • The 'Extend your description with AI' button is shown in the 'Compare with the Issue' section in the 'Edit Template' dialog.

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