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Release Notes 13.0.0

New Features:

We're excited to introduce a new feature - Apply Templates directly from the 'Create Issue' native Jira dialog. This streamlined process makes applying your Templates easier than ever. Check it out today, and let us know what you think!

 Bugs Fixed:

  • After deleting it, the user variable was removed from the Hierarchy's Node fields Assignee and Reporter.

  • Old records about Hierarchy Apply are removed, and New records are added once the storage is full.

  • The records in the Hierarchy Apply History are sorted from the newest to Oldest.

  • Hierarchy nodes are applied on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page if the Epic Node was excluded.

  • Fixed the Apply Template dialog glitching

  • The async uploading is added in the 'Select groups' filter on the 'Manage Scopes' page, and all existing Jira groups can be found with the search.

  • The Hierarchies from the folder are shown in the Hierarchy list on the Manage Hierarchies page after switching between HIerarchy folders.

  • Values from the multi-user picker and multi-groups picker fields are saved in the Node dialog if this Node was added from the Jira issue screen.

  • The async uploading is added to the 'Approver groups' field in the 'NODE' dialog, and all existing Jira groups can be found with the search.

  • After filtering, the 'Favorite' marker has not disappeared for the template in the results list.

  • The Scheduler is copied in the 'Hierarchy_COPY' details on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page after clicking the 'Duplicate' button.

  • The Tag is shown on the Manage Tags page if the Tag was created from the Create Template dialog.

  • The favorite folder is placed at the first place on the 'manage Hierarchies' page after the page is refreshed.

  • The 'Fill all required fields' notification is shown in the 'NODE' dialog on the 'Create Hierarchy' page if the 'Checkbox', 'Label', and 'Dropdown' required fields are empty

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