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Сreate Hierarchy

Create Hierarchy from the Manage Hierarchies page

You can create a Hierarchy using a simple Hierarchy editor.
To do this, go to Apps Manage Templates → Hierarchies in the navigation bar.

1. Fill in the required field Hierarchy name and optionally add a Description.

2. Click the Add Node button at the bottom of the screen to create your first Root Node.

3. For the newly created Root Node, you need to choose the Project in which it will be created, and the appropriate Issue Type.

Only then you can fill out the Summary and any other required field for its Issue Type of the future issue. To open the Dialog - just click on the Node.

4. Leave the Reporter field empty to set the Reporter field to be equal to any user that’s applying the Hierarchy.  Or you can select the user in the Reporter field to select a fixed user as a reporter when applying the Hierarchy

The Epic Link field will be set automatically to a parent Epic Node (if any).
If there’s no parent Node of type Epic, a user can associate the node with an existing Epic by specifying it in the Epic Link field.

5. When the issue is ready, click the Add button to save its state and continue working on creating a Hierarchy.

6. Click Add Child on the created Root Node to create the nested Child Node. Repeat the steps to populate the Root Node and populate the Issue for the nested Node.

7. Create Nodes for all the issues you need, related to this Hierarchy. You can mix different projects and issue types within a single Hierarchy.

8. When you click the Save Hierarchy button your Hierarchy is validated and if you have errors. In this case, you will see a corresponding message.

9. Additionally, you can add Variables to the Hierarchy.

You can insert these Variables in the Text fields of your Hierarchy and when you Apply it the Variable name will be replaced by the text value.

No need to remember all existing variables when you create or update Hierarchies - you can use variables hint. To get all lists of variables print ‘$var’ in the text field and the dropdown will be shown. Click on the variable name you want to add and it will appear in the text field.

Fields that support variables usage:

  • Summary

  • Description

  • Paragraph

  • Environment

  • Custom Text Field

  • Short Text

10. Now you can save the Hierarchy using the Save Hierarchy button at the bottom.

You will be redirected to the Manage Hierarchy Page, with which you can Apply your Hierarchy and manage others.

Move Nodes

The Node's order can be easily changed with the Move action

  1. Open the Create/Edit Hierarchy page

  2. Click the Actions button in the Node row you want to move

  3. Select Move option

  1. Use arrows to move Node up and down in the list

  1. Close the Move mode by selecting this option again in the Action dropdown

Parent Node moves together with all child Nodes connected. Child Nodes can be moved only inside their parent Node.

Copy Nodes

To duplicate the existing Node use the Copy action

  1. Open the Create/Edit Hierarchy page

  2. Click the Actions button in the Node row you want to move

  1. Select Copy option

Parent Node duplicates together with all child Nodes connected.

Create the Hierarchy Node from the Template

Create the Hierarchy Node from one of the Templates.

  1. Click the ‘More’ menu in the ‘Create/Edit Hierarchy’ screen

  2. Click the ‘Add Node from Template’ button

  1. Enter the part of the Template name in the Search field

  1. Look at the Node is added

Current Smart Issue Templates for the Jira version support only these fields:

  • Summary

  • Description

  • Labels

  • Fix versions

  • Components

  • Assignee

  • Reporter

  • Priority

Save Node from existing Jira Issue

Hierarchy also can be created using the existing Jira Issues. It is possible to add Jira Issue to a new Hierarchy or to existing ones.

  1. Open the Issue which you want to save

  2. Click the Save Node button

3. Select the Hierarchy you want to add this issue as a Node or leave the selector empty to create a new Hierarchy

4. Click the Confirm button

5. Enter the Hierarchy name (if you chose to create a new Hierarchy)

If your Jira Issue has child Issues than they will be added to Hierarchy together

6. Edit your Hierarchy if it is needed and click the Save Hierarchy button

After it, the notification will be shown and Hierarchy will be available on the Manage Hierarchies page.

7. Click the Actions button in the Save Node section below and select the Remove action to close the Save Node menu.

In case this section will not be removed, the Create Node From Current Issue dialog will appear every time this page will be opened.

Preinstalled Hierarchies

This feature can simplify workflow by utilizing ready-made Hierarchies, tailored for various departments. Multiple Preinstalled Hierarchies can be created at once.

How to Access Preinstalled Hierarchies:

  1. Open the ‘Manage Hierarchies’ page.

  2. Click the ‘Set Preinstalled’ button.


  1. Click on the ‘Departments’ field.

  2. Select any available Hierarchies that need to be created.

  1. Click the ‘Create’ button.

  2. Now, the Preinstalled Hierarchies was created.


After creating the preinstalled Hierarchies you receive a ready Hierarchy:


First-Time User Note:

For users leveraging the Preinstalled Hierarchies for the first time:

  • A project named 'SITC template project' will be automatically created in your Jira instance.

  • A unique scope labeled 'SITCScope' will be generated.

  • As templates are created, different departments will be categorized as tags, ensuring a structured and organized view.


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Before submitting a bug report or support ticket, please update to the latest version of the add-on.

Please add information about the version of Jira and the add-on.

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