Checklists Permissions
The Checklist permissions are integrated into other Smart issue Templates permissions.

By default, all Permissions are available for the members of the site-admins group.
Create | ability to create new Checklists |
Edit | ability to edit existing Checklists. If disabled - users can edit only their Checklists |
Delete | ability to delete Checklists. If disabled - users can delete only their Checklists |
View All | ability to view existing Checklists. If disabled - users can see only their Checklists |
Apply | ability to apply Checklists. If disabled - users can apply only their Checklists |

In this sample, org-admins have all Permissions but the Lillian Ashlea user can edit, delete, and view only his Checklists.
The Manage Checklists page for Lillian Ashlea:

The Manage Checklists page for org-admins:

In case Lillian Ashlea has granted the View All Checklists Permission:

He will be able to see all existing Checklists

But there is no ability to delete or edit the ‘Customer Support’ checklist (is created by another user):