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Release Notes 2.3.0

New Features:

  • Sorting the checklists by the created date is available on the ‘Manage Checklists’ page after clicking the ‘Created’ column

  • The sorting order parameter of the hierarchies is saved on the ‘Manage Hierarchies’ page with the Detailed view after selecting it

Bug Fixes:

  • The 'Exclude Node' checkbox is inactive on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page for the inactive node

  • The member of the jira-admins group can filter all groups in the filters section on the ‘Manage Scopes’ page

  • Adding the node from the issue view page is available for the issues created by the hierarchy

  • After clicking the 'Name' column, the scopes list is sorted due to ascending or descending order on the 'Manage Scopes' page.

  • The sample hierarchy node copy is created with the ‘copy’ word displayed in the node summary on the ‘Create Hierarchy’ page after clicking the ‘Copy’ button

  • The list of filtered templates is changed after clicking the 'Reset' button on the 'Manage Templates' page and all templates are displayed

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