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Release Notes 2.2.0

New Features:

  • The ability to display the checklists on the issue view page according to the value set in the 'Available for' field of the 'Create Checklist' dialog

  • The checklist-removing process is improved. Checklists with issue values will be removed only after removing the checklist via the ‘Manage Checklists’ page and not via unmapping on the Hierarchy view.

Bug fixes:

  • The ability to delete the checklist away from the 'Apply Hierarchy' dialog is removed. (Managing the interaction of the checklists with the hierarchy is available only on the 'Manage Hierarchies' and 'View Hierarchy' pages)

  • It is possible to add the checklist only to existing issue types according to the selected projects that are used in the Hierarchy.

  • The 'Add Scheduler' button is inactive on the 'View Hierarchy' page for the user unless he is granted the 'Setup Schedulers' permission.

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