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Release Notes 2.1.1

New Feature:

The warning is added to the 'Add Checklist' dialog to remind that the checklist is added to the issue type that is not included in the current hierarchy.

Bug Fixes:

  • The 'Create Hierarchy' page layout is properly displayed after clicking the 'Create Hierarchy' button on the 'Apply Hierarchy' dialog

  • The same request is sent once while filtering Scopes/Templates by the 'Owners' field

  • The text is not strikethrough in the 'Create\Edit Template' dialog on the 'Manage Templates' page

  • The 'Change project' dialog is not shown after filtering the Hierarchies list by the Owner on the Manage Hierarchies page

  • The 'The scope of use the checklist' dialog is empty after deleting the Hierarchy, if this hierarchy contained the checklist

  • The 'Sub-task' issue type cannot be selected as active without an active parent issue on the 'Edit Hierarchy' page

  • The 'Help' link button placed on the 'Apply Hierarchy' dialog opens the proper page in the documentation

  • The ‘Update Scope’ dialog is closed after clicking the ‘Update’ button after changing the scope owner.

  • The node summary with only a variable is saved in the hierarchy

  • The Hierarchy is applied by the Scheduler on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page if it contains the TEXT type variable

  • No messages are shown after clicking the 'Add' button in the 'Add Scheduler' dialog if the Hierarchy contains any system variable

  • The value in the 'Anchor value' column on the 'Scope using Checklist' dialog is snown after changing the Project in the 'Add Checklists' dialog

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