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Release Notes 2.1

New Feature:

Manage Checklists permission on the Smart Issue Templates Permissions page

Bug Fixes:

  • The issue type is not changed to task by default on the 'Edit Template' dialog after opening the template

  • The Undefined 1.0 templates are no longer appearing

  • The template is created from the issue view page without the error message display

  • The validation notification is shown below the 'Assignee' and 'Reporter' fields in case of inserting the hierarchy variable of the TEXT type there

  • The Scopes restriction on users and/or groups is fixed

  • The German version of the documentation is opened after clicking on the 'Hilfe' button if the German language was set on the Jira Instance

  • The duplicated hierarchy 'Created' time is correct in the tooltip on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page

  • The 'Node: Node 1' dialog is closed on the 'Create Hierarchy' page after clicking the 'Apply' button if the current user does not have the 'Assign Issues' project permission granted

  • The project is found by the first word of its name and displayed in the search results below the 'in project' field

  • The tags are displayed on the 'Manage Tags' page for the user being the jira-administrators group member

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