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Release Notes 2.0.1

New Features:

  • The project name is placed at the top of the projects list in the 'Nodes' section on the 'Create Hierarchy' page after the first selection

  • The ‘Select name’ field was improved on the ‘Manage Templates’, ‘Manage Scopes’, and ‘Manage Hierarchies’ pages.

Bug Fixes:

  • The localization issues for German are fixed

  • The notification contains the problem description on the 'Manage Variables' page after editing the variable

  • The data and the template name are shown on the 'Create Issue' dialog after selecting the project+issue type combination of the Default template

  • The 'Hierarchy has temporary changes' message is no longer displayed after clicking on the 'Cancel' button for the 'Set issue' function on the 'Manage Hierarchy' page.

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