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Release Notes 1.12.4

New Feature:

  • The ‘Create Template' and the 'Edit Template’ dialogs are scrolled up or down to make the error message visible if it is shown there

Bug fixes:

  • The 'Exclude Node' checkbox is not marked on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page after checking the only parent issue

  • The 'Reset' button is aligned to the right on the 'Manage Templates' page if the screen resolution is 1600x900, 1366x768,1536x864

  • The username is displayed in the 'Owners' field and not replaced by the admin name on the 'Create Template' dialog after selecting another project or issue type for the Jira of the 8 version and above.

  • The ‘Hierarchy has temporary changes' message is shown on the hierarchy view page and on the 'Apply Hierarchy’ dialog after selecting another issue with the 'Set Issue' button

  • The template names are displayed on the 'Manage Templates' page after editing the template

  • The page upload time was optimized.

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