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Release Notes 1.12.1

New features:

  • The epic name is not removed from the mandatory 'Epic name' field on the 'Node' dialog after selecting the template created with the bug issue type in the 'Select Template' dropdown list

Bug fixes:

  • The proper scopes are displayed on the 'Manage Templates/Manage Scopes/Manage Hierarchies' pages after entering the username into the 'Select User' filter field

  • Editing the owner of a hierarchy is correct

  • The error message is not displayed below the ‘Due Date' field on the 'Create Issue' dialog after clicking the 'Create’ button

  • The hierarchy is updated and the 'Edit Hierarchy' page is downloading after deleting the current user name away from the 'Owner' field

  • The 'Select owner' placeholder is not displayed in the 'Select owner' filter on the 'Manage Templates/Scopes/Hierarchies' pages after entering the username into the current filter field

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