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Release Notes 1.11.2

Release notes:

New features

  • Ability to search for Issue Type = GLOBAL on the 'Manage Scopes' page

  • "Cancel" button on the "Update Hierarchy" page to discard the changes and go back to the "Manage Hierarchies" page

  • Highlighted areas with incorrect or missing data on the Permissions configuration page

Bug fixes:

  • The tag is not displayed in the 'Tags' field on the 'Create Template' dialog after changing the project or issue type

  • The 'Create Hierarchy' and 'Edit Hierarchy' pages stuck after clicking the 'link' action to link the issue to the parent node

  • Configurations are not applied on the 'Configurations' page after clicking the 'Save' button, reloading is needed

  • The Node is not mentioned in the error message placed above the 'Nodes' section on the 'Create Hierarchy' page

  • Use variable $user (type: USER) in hierarchy as assignee

  • The template picker and `Save Template` buttons are not shown on the `Create issue` dialog window on the `Open issues` page

  • The 'You selected non-software project for software sample!' error message is still displayed in the footer on the 'Sample Hierarchies' dialog

  • The epic is changed to the task on the `Manage Hierarchies` page after missing clicking the `Ready` button of 'ND-1' and clicking another `Set issue` button in the 'ND-2' row of the `Test` hierarchy.

  • The `scheduler` word starts with the lowercase instead of the uppercase in the `Setup scheduler` permission name on the 'Permissions' page

  • The node summary is not applied after setting it on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page

  • The selected group name is not displayed in the `Select group` field on the `Manage Scopes` page after it was selected

  • The `Delete`, `Apply`, `Edit` buttons are not active and the `Add Scheduler` button is not placed on the `Hierarchy' view page for the hierarchy owner after the SIT Permissions were granted to the `Owner`

  • The two equal error messages are displayed on the 'Edit Hierarchy' page after entering the variable with spaces into the variable 'Name' field

  • The hierarchy is not copied after clicking the `Copy` icon on the `Manage Hierarchy` page with the list view.

  • The template list is not shown under the `Select Template` button on the `Create Issue` dialog after clicking the `Select Template` button.

  • The tag name is overlayed above the `Scope` name on the `Manage Templates` page when the number of tag characters is over 17

  • The validation message is not shown and the `Create` button is enabled in the 'Create Variable' dialog after making the space at the end of the printed value in the 'Name' field

  • The validation message is not shown in the 'Variables' section after making the space in the variable 'Name' field in the variables section on the 'Edit Hierarchy' page.

  • The template is not copied after clicking the `Copy` icon on the `Manage Templates` page

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