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Release Notes 1.11.1

Release notes:

Bug fixes:

  • The error messages are displayed with the black color instead of red on the 'Create Hierarchy' page

  • The 'Sample Hierarchy' dialog is broken on the 'Create Hierarchy' page with old Jira versions

  • The 'Manage Templates' page is not reloaded automatically after creating a new template from this page and after copying the template - Now the newly created Template is added to the table without reloading

  • The 'Duplicate' button is active but doesn't work on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page

  • The placeholder is displayed in the 'Select group' filter field on the 'Manage Scopes' page after typing the group name in it

  • The second issue with the same linked issue type is not linked to the node after saving the first one beforehand

  • The template is not created from the 'Manage Templates' page after creating the new scope

  • The 'You selected non-software project for software sample!' error message is still displayed in the footer on the 'Sample Hierarchies' dialog

  • The 'Duplicate' button is active but doesn't work on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page

  • The 'Tag' word is displayed instead of the 'Scope' in the 'Tag must be more than 2 characters' message below the 'Select scope' filter

  • The 'You selected non-software project for software sample!' error message is still displayed in the footer on the 'Sample Hierarchies' dialog

  • The incorrect issues calculation is shown on the 'Confirmation' dialog after clicking the 'Apply' button if 2 issues are set

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