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Release Notes 1.11.0

New features:

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed page stucking when clicking on the hierarchy which contains nodes from deleted projects on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page.

  • Fixed an issue with the “Duplicate” button that stays active when the user doesn’t have the “Create Hierarchy” permission on the “Manage Hierarchies“ page.

  • Fixed an issue when page was stuck after creating Template from the View Issue screen → More dropdown → Create Template.

  • Fixed validation and displaying of errors when creating a Scheduler.

  • Fixed the error message on the creating template dialog.

  • Fixed incorrect display of the name of the deleted variable in the message on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page

  • Fixed error messages when validating an hierarchy before saving.

  • Fixed confirmation dialog when deleting a Variable from the Manage Variables page.

  • The ‘Set Issue' and 'Appy’ buttons are now hidden if the user does not have the 'Apply Hierarchies' permission.

  • Fixed the node count when applying a Hierarchy on the 'Manage Hierarchies' page.

  • Fixed copy icon image on the 'Manage Templates' page.

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