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Release Notes 5.3.0

What's New

🎯 Added background color for the internal comment in the Jira Service projects

Now you easily identify if this is an internal comment or a public comment by background color as the original comment

Bug Fixed:

  • The dropdown menu does not fit in the frame on the Variables at the Manage Smart Comment Templates if the window of the tab is resized.

  • The System doesn't identify the "quote" text type in the "Add comment..." field of the "Smart comments" tab if the text contains only the "quote" text type"

  • The system doesn't identify the "quote" text type in the "Create Template" menu if the text contains only the "quote" text type

  • The "nextWeek" variable is not counting the days correctly when adding it to the comment

  • The 'mood' is not shown for replies at the ‘Smart Comments’ tab on the Jira Issue View page

  • The mood of the comment is changed to "neutral" on the Jira Issue View page after editing the comment with the 'Quote' function

  • The ‘Schedule reply’ button is enabled on the Jira Issue View page if the comment body is empty

  • The ‘Hide/unhide all’ filter is broken on the ‘Smart Comments’ tab on the Jira Issue View page after clicking on the ‘Hide all’ button

  • The ‘comment mood’ is not shown in the Smart Comments tab if the comments have a ‘code snippet’ or ‘quote’ text

  • The 'Edit' button is active for the 'Encrypted comment' on the Smart Comments tab

  • The list with users is not opened in the ‘Choose user’ field on the ‘Choose users for send encrypted comment’ if the comment has many symbols.

  • The comment content is not shown in the Smart Comments tab after creating a comment

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